You've probably seen a poodle before. But did you know that this little pup has been around for centuries? Where did they come from, and what are they used for today? Are they just another fluffy dog, or is there more to them than meets the eye? Who's the pack's leader, and do they eat people's food? All these questions will be answered in today's episode of "Mister Know-It-All."
What is a Poodle?
Poodles are a group of dog breeds closely related to the standard poodle. Poodles come in three different sizes: standard, miniature, and toy. The standard poodle is the largest of these dogs, and the smallest one is called a toy poodle. The other two sizes, miniature and toy, can be considered as varieties of their breeds or smaller versions of their parents' breeds.
The word "poodle" comes from the German words "puddle," meaning "splash around," and "pudel," meaning "splash." This name was given because poodles love to swim!
Where did they come from?

Poodles are a German breed and were first mentioned in the 9th century. Their origin is thought to be from the water dog, which also gave us other species like the Portuguese water dog and Newfoundland. They are descended from Spaniels and wolves.
The poodle is one of four breeds that originate from Germany, including:
The German Shepherd Dog (Alsatian)
The Dachshund (Dachs)
The Poodle
What are they used for today?
Today, dogs are used for many purposes. Show dogs are the best-known and most popular. They are bred to have specific characteristics, such as long hair or a white coat, which make them more attractive in the ring. This type of dog also must be able to perform tricks like "sit," "down," and "shake."
There are also hunting dogs that track game animals and retrieve them for hunters when shot, service dogs who assist people with disabilities such as blindness or deafness by performing tasks such as opening doors and picking up dropped objects from their handlers' paths (they're called guide dogs), therapy dogs who visit patients at hospitals or nursing homes to comfort them during difficult times (they're called therapy animals), racing breeds like Dobermans which run alongside racecars on tracks across America; herding breeds like Border Collies which help keep sheep safe in fields by rounding them up into pens; guard dog breeds like Rottweilers who protect homes against intruders; lawn mower/lawn mowing breeds like Labradors which cut grass using blades attached to their feet while they walk around on all fours; fishing-dog breeds like Golden Retrievers which sniff out fish in lakes so they can be caught by their owners using hooks attached at one end of fishing poles; water-rescue dog breeds such as Newfoundland who dive into deep water after drowning victims so those people can get pulled back out safely onto land’s surface again by handlers standing nearby watching over both themselves and their canine companions through binoculars (or something similar).
Are they just fluffy dogs?

The Poodle is a purebred dog in two sizes: Toy and Miniature. The Toy Poodle is about 10-12 inches at the shoulder, and the Miniature is approximately 13-15 inches. There are also three coat varieties: curly (aka "frizzy"), smooth or wavy. Both types of coats come in every color combination you've ever imagined, from white with black spots to white with brown spots to black with tan points!
All Poodles are water dogs, so they love swimming! For this reason, it's best not to bathe them too often because their skin may become dry if you do; plus, who doesn't love spending quality time making those suds fly off your pup?
Poodles were originally bred as hunting dogs; however, they make great companions because they're smart enough to keep themselves entertained while their owners are gone all day long with no complaints whatsoever (except maybe when they hear you coming home).
Who's the leader of the pack?
Poodles are intelligent and trainable, making them well-suited to dog sports such as agility, obedience, and tracking. They are particularly good at jumping and retrieving. Poodles have a long history of being used as guide dogs for the blind.
They tend to be well-behaved dogs adaptable to most situations they may encounter. They make excellent therapy dogs because they don't get distracted easily by other animals or people passing by outside their windows, as some high-energy breeds do!
Poodles are also popular as family pets because they're usually good with children and other pets in the household (except maybe cats).
Do they eat people's food?
If you've ever had a pet bird, you know that they love eating people's food. They'll nibble on the crumbs around your mouth when you're done eating and even steal your french fries right off your plate (or at least try to). Birds are scavengers and can digest just about anything.
The same is true for many dogs and cats. Dogs will eat almost anything they can find if it looks tasty. Cats are more selective, though they still have favorites—usually things that smell like meat or fish. And don't forget about rabbits! Rabbits have been known to love carrots!
The poodle is doing more than being just a cute dog.

If you're looking for a dog to make your life easier, the poodle is probably at the top of your list. They're intelligent and easy to train, making them ideal pets for families with children or older adults who can't handle big dogs. Poodles are also great with kids because they're affectionate but don't shed much (and they don't drool). Finding another breed that could keep up with a toddler like a happy-go-lucky poodle is hard!
Now that you have all the information about the poodle, it's time to decide if he is a good fit for you and your family. The poodle has evolved from his early days as a hunting dog in Germany to be one of America's favorite pet breeds. They are very loyal dogs who will always be there with their owners through thick and thin. With so many different types and sizes available nowadays, there sure will be one that fits your needs perfectly!