There are many things that dogs can do for us. They can be our companions, protectors, and sometimes even friends. However, as dog owners know all too well, it's also a lot of work! Grooming your pet takes time and effort but is essential for keeping them healthy (and clean). One critical step in grooming your dog is teaching them to lay down on command. This allows you to reach their back legs or stomach without moving them around too much first - saving time!
Get on the dog's level!
Getting on the dog's level is the first step in teaching them to lie down. If you're standing, sit. If you're sitting, sit some more. Please ensure you are close enough to the dog that they see what you are doing and make them feel comfortable with their soundings before trying to train them.
Have a treat in your hand.
I know you love your dog, and they certainly love you. But they sometimes have trouble understanding their place if they're anything like mine. If I put my hand near their mouth when they're eating a treat and then try to take it away when they don't want me to have it anymore (which is always), I'm met with full-on resistance. They will not let go of those treats! The only way for me to get them off their person is by grabbing onto the back of their neck and shaking them until the joy falls out of their mouth, or I lose my grip on them entirely—and that's no fun for anyone involved.
So here's how we're going to do things: firstly, we need a tasty treat that your dog loves; secondly, we need something small enough that your dog won’t choke on it if he eats too many at once; thirdly (and most importantly), we need something durable enough that even if he has an upset stomach later in life due to its indigestibility factor being so high—he will still be able to enjoy this special treat whenever he wants one throughout his life span because, unlike some people who make similar claims about themselves after eating those same snacks...
Say "lay down" and touch the dog's chest.
Say "lay down" and touch the dog's chest.
If the dog is too excited, get them to sit first (see instructions below)
Use a calm, assertive voice that says what you want to be done without being demanding or bossy (your dog will learn faster this way)
As the dog lies down, follow its motion.
As the dog lies down, follow its motion. To help your dog understand what is expected of him, you should follow his body as he lies down, making eye contact and saying, "Lay down!" as he does so. This will let him know that you want him to stay where he is and that your attention will stop following his movements if he gets up.
Ignore other commands while teaching this one. While teaching a new order, it's best not to introduce any other controls until after this one has been mastered so that the puppy doesn't get confused or frustrated by having too much information at once.
Give the treat once the dog's belly is flat on the ground.
It's essential to treat the dog as soon as they lie down. The dog will associate lying down with getting a treat, which will help them learn faster.
The best way to do this is by holding the treat above their head, so they must follow it with their eyes. This will cause them to look up more often, leading them into a downward position, mimicking lying down. As soon as they lay down, start giving him his treat!
Try again without a treat in your hand.
Once you've successfully trained a dog to sit and stay, it's time to move on to the following basic command: lying down. You may have trouble with this one because when most people try to teach their dogs to lie down, they always hold treats in their hands. Unfortunately, dogs don't understand the concept of "lie down" until they learn that you always have food when saying those words! So before giving your dog any treat reward, take a step back and tell them what you want them to do by themselves.
This is how we'll do it:
First, sit on the floor with your dog next to you (he should be facing forward).
Next, say "Down," tap him gently on his nose while pointing towards the ground below him—this will be his physical marker—and then praise him verbally as he goes into a lying position (you might also use an electronic clicker if necessary).
As soon as he lies down completely flat on his side or back without moving again for five seconds (or however long it takes for him), give him his verbal marker ("yes"), as well as another treat reward so that he knows why he got praised so much!
Move away from the dog if you must try more than three times.
Don't get frustrated if your dog fails to comply with the command. Also, don't give up at this time. If you're persistent and calm, he'll eventually figure out what's going on and comply with the command (I promise).
Go back to where you were and try again.
The next time you try this, return to where you were and try again. If your dog starts lying down, praise them! If not, remember that it doesn't work for everyone on the first try—and hey! That's okay. It's a good idea to be patient when teaching new behaviors.
It’s also important not to repeat the same thing repeatedly if it doesn't work at first; once is enough. Many people get frustrated because they feel like their pet isn't learning anything (or worse yet: still not doing what they want), making them more frustrated and less likely to keep trying new things. This can result in an endless cycle of frustration and failure that will make both parties feel bad about themselves but does nothing for your relationship with your best friend!
Keep repeating until you and your pet can communicate effectively.
It's likely that you've already tried and failed to teach your dog to lie down before. Don't stress! You're not alone. Remember, training your pet to this new behavior is a process in which you should expect some trials and errors. The key is to be patient with yourself and your pet as you work on it together.
Most importantly: don't give up! Keep trying until you get it right, whether that takes one day or two weeks—and if all else fails, try again tomorrow (or next week).
If your dog can lie down, you can groom, clean, and care for them more quickly!
Dogs are social animals and love being with their owners. Knowing this, we humans need to teach our dogs commands so that they can feel comfortable around us.
Teaching your dog the command "down" will help you in many ways when cleaning up after them or ensuring they're okay while they sleep (especially those little ones who like rolling around on their backs). We know you already have a million things on the go, so we've put together a step-by-step guide on how to teach your pup to lie down.
This is a great trick to teach your dog. It can save you time and make grooming more manageable while allowing your pet more freedom when needed (like after surgery). The more you practice this command with your pet, the faster they learn it!